Established Corporate Process Redesign Office

(Academic Hospital)


An academic hospital was facing consistent challenges in process efficiency, care quality, patient flow and patient experience across its programs. Over the years, multiple efforts by different teams failed to deliver effective change and sustainable results. A clear approach to problem identification, project prioritization and successful execution was clearly needed.


We developed the groundwork for the establishment of what we called the Process Redesign Office. This was a corporate resource to review and redesign processes across clinical programs and corporate support departments, serving as a central coordination point for complex multi-project efforts. We assembled a diverse team of process engineers, clinical leaders and technology experts. A corporate methodology was adopted for process redesign activities and operating principles to effectively guide the work. The team was thoroughly trained and equipped with these tools. A corporate framework was also created to identify opportunities, and initiatives were approached utilizing lean, six sigma, project management and change management principles.


We developed the groundwork for the establishment of what we called the Process Redesign Office. This was a corporate resource to review and redesign processes across clinical programs and corporate support departments, serving as a central coordination point for complex multi-project efforts. We assembled a diverse team of process engineers, clinical leaders and technology experts. A corporate methodology was adopted for process redesign activities and operating principles to effectively guide the work. The team was thoroughly trained and equipped with these tools. A corporate framework was also created to identify opportunities, and initiatives were approached utilizing lean, six sigma, project management and change management principles.


Program Review and Cultural Transformation


Strategic Planning & Enterprise Risk Management